Code Block | ||||
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AuthServerU2FResponseAddUserAuthServerU2FResponseAddUser AddU2FUserEnrollUser(String authServerPartnerLoginName, string authServerPartnerLoginPassword, string firstName, string lastName, string loginName, string loginPassword, string email, string mobilePhone, short deviceType, short otpType, short otpLength, short otpWindow, string pin, string deviceId, bool onlyAddDevice, short notificationMethod); |
WCF parameter | data type | description |
authServerPartnerLoginName | string | SurePassId account login name |
authServerPartnerLoginPassword | string | SurePassId account login key |
firstName | string | First name |
lastName | string | Last name |
loginName | string | User account login name |
loginPassword | string | Users password. If omitted one will be generated. If using Active Directory on the server this parameter is ignored. |
string | User email. Used for sending email notifications and temporary pass codes. | |
mobilePhone | string | Users mobile phone Used for sending voice or sms messages |
deviceType | short | Device Type |
otpType | short | OTP Type |
otpLength | short | The length of the desired OTP. |
otpWindow | short | The sliding window for OTP validation. For event based OTP Type this is the number of values > than the event counter that will be accepted. For time based OTP Type this is the number of seconds that will elapse before the OTP will change. |
pin | short | The pin associated with device for OTP Type that require a PIN |
deviceId | short | The deviceId to assign to this newly created device associated with this account. It is recommended you pass an empty string value. |
onlyAddDevice | bool | true = add user and u2f add the device device, false= just add user; u2f device will need to be added to user account later |
notificationMethod | short | send welcome message to user. 0 = none, 1=email, 2=sms |