API Return Codes
API Return Codes
All SurePassID API functions provide a return code and user friendly message for the operation that was requested. Many of these you might want to handle in your application and send back a more relevant message to the user of your app. At the very least, any security related errors should be replaced with generic message and not provide any detail information to the user, but this is up to as the app developer to decide. All API requests are logged in the SurePassID Audit Trail. Here is the exhaustive list of return codes:
APi Return Codes
public enum APIReturnCode { Success = 0, PartnerLoginFailed = 9000, PartnerUserLoginFailed = 9001, OTPAlreadyUsed = 9002, OTPInvalid = 9003, DeviceInvalid = 9004, UpdateDeviceCounterFailed = 9005, MaximumCardUsesExceeded = 9006, PartnerUserLoginDisabled = 9007, DeviceTypeInvalid = 9008, DeviceNotSpecified = 9009, DatabaseError = 9010, OTPTypeInvalid = 9011, SMSSendError = 9012, InvalidDeviceConfig = 9013, NoAdminDeviceDefined = 9014, MaximumFailedOTPRequestsExceeded = 9015, CreateTransactionFailed = 9016, PartnerUserSendPasswordEmailFailed = 9017, DeviceAssignedToDifferentPartner = 9018, DeviceInUse = 9019, SerialNumberNotSpecified = 9020, DeviceNotFound = 9021, UpdateTransactionStatusFailed = 9022, UpdateTransactionStatusInvalid = 9023, UpdateTransactionReferenceCodeNotSpecified = 9025, UpdateTransactionReferenceCodeNotFound = 9026, UpdateTransactionApprovalCodeMissmatch = 9027, DeviceDiabled = 9028, BogusSerialNumber = 9029, BogusOTP = 9030, EmailSendError = 9031, AccountExpired = 9032, PartnerUserLoginFailedNotAdmin = 9033, PartnerUserLoginFailedInvalidOTP = 9034, TimeDriftInvalid = 9035, NoDevicesDefined = 9036, NoChallengeDevicesDefined = 9037, PartnerUserLoginFailedInvalidDomain = 9038, DeviceIsNotAChallengeDevice = 9039, SystemKeyProviderEnpointNotSet = 9040, SystemTwoFactorNotSet = 9041, GetRadiusServerClientList = 9042, SendOTPExpired = 9043, SendOTPInvalidDeliveryMethod = 9044, Provisioned = 9045, Reprovisioned = 9046, DeviceAlreadyProvisioned = 9047, SyncUserFailed = 9048, SyncEventLogFailed = 9049, SyncEventLogNothingToSync = 9050, PartnerUserLoginAttepmtedOTPByPass = 9051, PartnerUserForgetPasswordFailed = 9052, PartnerUserChangedPassword = 9053, EnrollPartnerFailed = 9054, EnrollPartnerUserFailed = 9055, EnrollPartnerSendNotoficationFailed = 9056, EnrollUserFailed = 9057, EnrollUserSendNotoficationFailed = 9058, SSOInternalError = 9059, SSOCertificateError = 9060, SSOPolicyNoDailyAccess = 9061, SSOPolicyNoDailyAccessIgnored = 9062, SSOPolicyNoDailyAccessLogged = 9063, SSOPolicyNoDailyAccessRestriction = 9064, SSOPolicyTimeRestriction = 9065, SSOPolicyTimeRestrictionIgnored = 9066, SSOPolicyExceptionIgnored = 9067, SSOPolicyException = 9068, SSOPolicyClientIPInvalid = 9069, SSOPolicyClientIPInvalidIgnored = 9070, PartnerUserLoginFailedInvalidToken = 9071, SSOActivationAccountDisabled = 9072, SSOAccountActivationAccountAlreadyProvisioned = 9073, SSOActivationAccountAssignedToDifferentPartner = 9074, SSOAccountActivationIdInvalid = 9075, SSOAccountProvisionApps = 9076, SSOAccountActivationIdNotSpecified = 9077, PartnerUserFIDOU2FInvalidAppID = 9078, PartnerUserFIDOU2FInvalidChallenge = 9079, PartnerUserFIDOU2FInvalidRegData = 9080, PartnerUserFIDOU2FInvalidSessionIdData = 9081, PartnerUserFIDOU2FInvalidPubKey = 9082, NoDevicesAvailable = 9083, PartnerUserFIDOU2FPrepareSignDataError = 9084, PartnerUserFIDOU2FInvalidSignData = 9085, PartnerUserFIDOU2FInvalidSignDataInvalid = 9086, BogusFIDOAppId = 9087, PartnerUserFIDOU2FInvalidAttestationSig = 9088, PartnerUserFIDOU2FInvalidAttestationError = 9089, InvalidPartnerUserLogin = 9090, PartnerUserFIDOU2FNoEnrolledDevices = 9091, BogusPhysicalDeviceId = 9092, BogusUniqueDeviceId = 9093, PartnerUserFIDOU2FInvalidVersion = 9094, MaximumLoginPartnerAttempsExceeded = 9095, MaximumLoginPartnerUserAttempsExceeded = 9096, PartnerUserFIDOU2FNoUserPresence = 9097, PartnerUserFIDOU2FDeleteSecurityKeyFailed = 9098, SystemTrace = 9099, PartnerUserPasswordChangedEmailFailed = 9100, PartnerUserPasswordRecoveryInvalidorMissingRid = 9101, PartnerUserPasswordRecoveryExpiredToken = 9102, PartnerUserPasswordRecoveryInvalidorMissingMid = 9103, PartnerUserPasswordRecoveryTokenNotFound = 9104, PartnerUserLoginFailedPasswordExpired = 9105, SessionTokenInvalid = 9106, SessionTokenCreationFailed = 9107, SessionTokenDeleteFailed = 9108 }