Directory Sync Agent
Directory Sync Agent
The Directory Sync application is a command line application that synchronizes user Active Directory user information with the SurePassID directory. The Directory Sync application (DirectorySync.exe) is located in the SurePassID Local Agent\Directory Sync folder.
To run the Directory Sync application, use the following syntax:
Directory Sync Syntax
DirectorySync -ln=loginname -lp=loginpassword -add=activedirectorydomain -adf=activedirectoryfilter where loginname: is your SurePassID account login name loginpassword: is you SurePassID account login name activedirectorydomain: is the active directory domain to synchronize. activedirectoryfilter: is the active directory filter to synchronize a subset of the active directory domain.
The Directory Sync application synchronizes the following Active Directory data:
- Username (same as account name)
- First Name (given name)
- Last Name (surname)
- Email (mail)
- Mobile Number (mobile)
The Directory Sync application by default uses https for transport security. If you need a greater level of security, please contact SurePassID technical support and we can assist in setting up message level security using X509 certificates.
Full documentation contained in the SurePassID Local Agent Installation Guide.