Send Push Message

Send Push Message


        AuthServerU2FResponseSendPush SendPushMessage(string authServerPartnerLoginName, 
                     string authServerPartnerLoginPassword, 
                     string authServerPartnerUserLoginName, 
                     string printedSerialNumber, 
                     short deliveryMethod
                     string appName,
                     string accountName,
                     string reason,
                     string relyingParty);
WCF parameterdata typedescription
authServerPartnerLoginNamestringSurePassID account login name
authServerPartnerLoginPasswordstringSurePassID account login key
authServerPartnerUserLoginNamestringUser account login name

A specific device assigned to this user. If this is left empty then the first device assigned

deliveryMethodshortHow to deliver the push message to the user. 0=sms, 1=SurePass App, 2=SurePass mobile U2F
appNamestringApplication that is requesting access. This will be displayed to the user in the push message. For example Windows Login, Payment Verification, etc.
accountNamestringAccount requesting access. This will be displayed to the user in the push message. For example. Mark, John553, jack123@aol.com, etc.
reasonstringReason for access. This will be displayed to the user in the push message. eg. Login, Payment Verification, etc.

Override the default relying party.  The URI of the requesting party.
The query string Id= is required. The Id is the PartnerId.

Normally you do not need to specify this parameter.  

Sample WCF C# Method
 AuthServerU2FResponseSendPush resp = SendPushMessage("accountLogin",
Sample WCF C# Repsonse
if (resp.ErrorCode != 0)  {             
    message.Text = resp.ErrorMsg;       
    return false; 
// save resp.AuthnUserReqId. This will be used to authenticate a user after // they have been authenticated via push 


REST parameterdata typedescription
spAccountLoginNamestringSurePassID account login name
spAccountLoginKeystringSurePassID account login key
usernamestringuser account login name

A specific device assigned to this user. If this is left empty then the first device assigned

device is used 

deliveryMethodstringHow to deliver the push message to the user. pushsmsquestion, pushapp, pushappu2f
appNamestringApplication that is requesting access. This will be displayed to the user in the push message. For example Windows Login, Payment Verification, etc.
accountNamestringAccount requesting access. This will be displayed to the user in the push message. For example. Mark,  jackfake123@phoney.com, etc.
reasonstringReason for access. This will be displayed to the user in the push message. For example. Login, Payment Verification, etc.
relyingPartystringThe URI of the requesting party.

The query string Id= is required. the Id is the PartnerId.

Sample REST/Json Method
  "username": "Mandy",
  "spAccountLoginName": "accountLogin",
  "spAccountLoginKey": "accountKey",
  "type": "send_push_message",
  "deliveryMethod": "sms",
  "appName" : "Windows",                                          
  "authnAccount" : "Mandy2",
  "authnReason" : "Login",
  "relyingPartyUrl" : "https://verification,yourco.com?Id=0"
Sample REST/Json Response
  "errorCode": 0,
  "errorMessage": "OK",
  "type": "send_push_message", 
  "authnUserReqId" : "3e^n(R1jk345sdfhgn"

// save authnUserReqId. This will be used to authenticate a user after // they have been authenticated via push 

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