Sign FIDO U2F Device
Sign FIDO U2F Device
AuthServerU2FResponseSignAppU2F SignAppU2F(string authServerPartnerLoginName, string authServerPartnerLoginPassword, string authServerPartnerUserLoginName, string printedSerialNumber, string b64SessionId, string b64ClientData, string b64SignData);
WCF parameter | data type | description |
authServerPartnerLoginName | string | SurePassID account login name |
authServerPartnerLoginPassword | string | SurePassID account login key |
authServerPartnerUserLoginName | string | User account login name |
printedSerialNumber | string | A specific device assigned to this user. If this is left empty then the first device assigned is used |
b64SessionId | string | Unique SessionId for this Fido Request as per the Fido specification |
b64ClientData | string | Base 64 encoded client data as per the Fido specification |
b64SignData | string | Base 64 encoded sign data as per the Fido specification |
Sample WCF C# Method
AuthServerU2FResponseSignAppU2F SignAppU2F("accountLogin", "accountKey", "Mandy", string.Empty, "NTk2ODYyMzczMDQxMzY2QzYzNEI2RTUwNjEzNzQ5Nzc3QTMzNDg2RjVBMzU2ODQxNjE2Qz...", "eyJjaGFsbGVuZ2UiOiJqcGFEM1FNeU9pX0RQRjgzQ0ZRdVl1dHZPNFRvZ19EWkJla3...", "AQAAANQwRQIgZEyk0CoSIEZ8I_YkwBX3zAW9bQVeygu9S0v925lOLOMCIQCxM333XgLmuB168a");
Sample WCF C# Repsonse
if (resp.ErrorCode != 0) { message.Text = resp.ErrorMsg; return false; }
REST parameter | data type | description |
spAccountLoginName | string | SurePassID account login name |
spAccountLoginKey | string | SurePassID account login key |
username | string | user account login name |
type | string | sign |
psn | string | A specific device assigned to this user. If this is left empty then the first device assigned is used |
sessionId | string | Unique sessionId for this Fido Request as per the Fido specification |
clientData | string | Base 64 encoded client data as per the Fido specification |
signatureData | string | Base 64 encoded sign data as per the Fido specification |
version | string | U2F_V2 |
Sample REST/Json Method
{ "spAccountLoginName": "accountLogin", "spAccountLoginKey": "accountKey", "clientData": "eyJjaGFsbGVuZ2UiOiJqcGFEM1FNeU9pX0RQRjgzQ0ZRdVl1dHZPNFRvZ19EWkJla3ppbzFvTVpJIiwib3JpZ2luIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9maWRvY2VydC5zdXJlcGFzc2lkLmNvbSIsInR5cCI6Im5hdmlnYXRvci5pZC5nZXRBc3NlcnRpb24ifQ", "sessionId": "NTk2ODYyMzczMDQxMzY2QzYzNEI2RTUwNjEzNzQ5Nzc3QTMzNDg2RjVBMzU2ODQxNjE2QzUwNTk2QTQxNkU3NzUwMzA0MTQyNDg2QjY2NDc2NTc5NTA1OTQxNkM1NzU1NDY2Qw==", "signatureData": "AQAAANQwRQIgZEyk0CoSIEZ8I_YkwBX3zAW9bQVeygu9S0v925lOLOMCIQCxM333XgLmuB168a_yWwgmttoFYpKqtr7rJcEM05oBLg", "type": "sign", "username": "Mandy", "version": "U2F_V2" }
Sample REST/Json Response
{ "errorMessage": "", "errorCode": 0, "type": "sign" }