Password Recovery Change Password
Password Recovery Change Password
public AuthServerResponse PasswordRecoveryChangePassword(string authServerPartnerLoginName, string authServerPartnerLoginPassword, string pw, string rid, string mid, string fromEmailName, string fromEmailAddress, string emailSubject, string emailBody, boolean html)
WCF parameter | data type | description |
authServerPartnerLoginName | string | SurePassID account login name |
authServerPartnerLoginPassword | string | SurePassID account login key |
pw | string | User account password |
rid | string | System generated value, contained in reset password url |
mid | string | System generated value, contained in reset password url |
fromEmailName | string | Name for sender of password recovery email |
fromEmailAddress | string | Email address for sender of password recovery email |
emailSubject | string | Subject of password recovery email |
emailBody | string | Body of password recovery email |
html | boolean | Boolean indicating if email is HTML formatted |
Sample WCF C# Method
AuthServerResponseresp = PasswordRecoveryChangePassword("accountLogin", "accountKey", "tinyD4nc3r", "{rid}", "{mid}", "Mandy", "mandy@example.com", "Recover Password", "Let us help you recover your password.", false);
Sample WCF C# Repsonse
if (resp.ErrorCode != 0) { message.Text = resp.ErrorMsg; return false; }
REST parameter | data type | description |
spAccountLoginName | string | SurePassID account login name |
spAccountLoginKey | string | SurePassID account login key |
username | string | user account login name |
type | string | password_recovery_change_password |
pw | string | User account password |
rid | string | rid |
mid | string | mid |
fromEmailName | string | Name of sender of password recovery email |
fromEmailAddress | string | Address of sender of password recovery email |
emailSubject | string | Subject of password recovery email |
emailBody | string | Body of password recovery email |
html | boolean | Whether password recovery email is HTML formatted |
Sample REST/Json Request
{ "username": "{{username}}", "spAccountLoginName": "{{spAccountLoginName}}", "spAccountLoginKey": "{{spAccountLoginKey}}", "type": "password_recovery_change_password", "pw": "tinyD4nc3r", "rid": "?", "mid": "?", "fromEmailName": "John Denver", "fromEmailAddress": "john.denver@example.com", "emailSubject": "Resetting your password", "emailBody": "Let us help you reset your password.", "html": 1 }
Sample REST/Json Response
{ "errorCode": 0, "errorMessage": "OK", "type": "password_recovery_change_password" }