Receive Push Response
Receive Push Response
public AuthServerResponse ReceivePushResponse(string authServerPartnerLoginName, string authServerPartnerLoginPassword, string authServerPartnerUserLoginName, string mobile, string response, string authnUserReqId)
WCF parameter | data type | description |
authServerPartnerLoginName | string | SurePassID account login name |
authServerPartnerLoginPassword | string | SurePassID account login key |
authServerPartnerUserLoginName | string | User account name |
mobile | string | Mobile number of account that received push message |
response | string | Response to push message sent to mobile device e.g. Yes user accepted message or No. |
authnUserReqId | string | System generated push notification request Identifier. |
Sample WCF C# Method
AuthServerResponse resp = ReceivePushResponse("accountLogin", "accountKey", "Mandy", "(123)456-7890", "User accepted", "?");
Sample WCF C# Repsonse
if (resp.ErrorCode != 0) { message.Text = resp.ErrorMsg; return false; }
REST parameter | data type | description |
spAccountLoginName | string | SurePassID account login name |
spAccountLoginKey | string | SurePassID account login key |
username | string | user account login name |
type | string | receive_push_response |
mobile | string | Mobile number of account that received push message |
response | string | Response to push message sent to mobile device e.g. Yes user accepted message or No. |
authnUserReqId | string | System generated push notification request Identifier. |
Sample REST/Json Method
{ "spAccountLoginName": "{{spAccountLoginName}}", "spAccountLoginKey": "{{spAccountLoginKey}}", "username": "{{username}}", "type": "receive_push_response", "mobile": "(123)456-7890", "response": "User accepted", "authnUserReqId": "?" }
Sample REST/Json Response
{ "errorCode": 0, "errorMessage": "OK", "type": "receive_push_response" }