Add U2F User Account

Add U2F User Account


AddU2FUser Method
 AuthServerU2FResponseAddUser AddU2FUser(String authServerPartnerLoginName,
                               string authServerPartnerLoginPassword,
                               string firstName,
                               string lastName,
                               string loginName,
                               string loginPassword,
                               string email,
                               string mobilePhone,
                               bool addDeviceOnly,
                               short notificationMethod);
WCF parameterdata typedescription
authServerPartnerLoginNamestringSurePassID account login name
authServerPartnerLoginPasswordstringSurePassID account login key
firstNamestringFirst name
lastNamestringLast name
loginNamestringUser account login name
loginPasswordstringUsers password. If omitted one will be generated. If using Active Directory on the server this parameter is ignored.
emailstringUser email. Used for sending email notifications and temporary pass codes.
mobilePhonestringUsers mobile phone Used for sending voice or sms messages
addDeviceOnlyboolfalse = add user and u2f device, true= just add u2f device to existing user account

send welcome message to user.  0 = none, 1=email, 2=sms

Sample WCF C# Method
  AuthServerU2FResponseAddUser resp = AddU2FUser("accountLogin",
Sample WCF C# Repsonse
 if (resp.ErrorCode != 0)  {      
       message.Text = resp.ErrorMsg;
       return false;


REST parameterdata typedescription
spAccountLoginNamestringSurePassID account login name
spAccountLoginKeystringSurePassID account login key
usernamestringUser account login name
firstNamestringFirst name
lastNamestringLast name
emailstringUser email. Used for sending email notifications nd temporary pass codes.
pwstringUsers password. If omitted one will be generated. If using Active Directory on the server this parameter is ignored.
mobilestringUsers mobile phone Used for sending voice or sms messages
notificationMethodintsend welcome message to user.  0 = none, 1=email, 2=sms
Sample REST/Json Method
  "username": "Mandy",
  "spAccountLoginName": "accountLogin",
  "spAccountLoginKey": "accountKey",
  "type": "add_u2f_user",
  "firstName": "Mandy",
  "lastName": "Last",
  "email": "Mandy5@myco.com",
  "pw": "M@5ndy58!",
  "mobile": "+1(407)555-1212"
  "notificationMethod": 0 

Sample REST/Json Response
  "errorCode": 0,
  "errorMessage": "OK",
  "type": "add_u2f_user"

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