Find Device


public AuthServerResponseDeviceInfo FindDevice(string authServerPartnerLoginName, 
                 string authServerPartnerLoginPassword, 
                 string authServerPartnerUserLoginName, 
                 string printedSerialNumber)

WCF parameterdata typedescription
authServerPartnerLoginNamestringSurePassID account login name
authServerPartnerLoginPasswordstringSurePassID account login key
authServerPartnerUserLoginNamestringUser account login name
printedSerialNumberstringSerial number of the device
Sample WCF C# Method
AuthServerResponseDeviceInfo  resp = FindDevice("accountLogin",             
Sample WCF C# Repsonse
 if (resp.ErrorCode != 0)  {      
       message.Text = resp.ErrorMsg;
       return false;


REST parameterdata typedescription
spAccountLoginNamestringSurePassID account login name
spAccountLoginKeystringSurePassID account login key
usernamestringuser account login name
psnstringSerial number of the device
Sample REST/Json Method
  "username": "Mandy",
  "spAccountLoginName": "accountLogin",
  "spAccountLoginKey": "accountKey",
  "type": "find_device",
  "psn": "OATH_1234567",
Sample REST/Json Response
  "deviceType": 12,       // deviceType enumeration 
  "otpType": 8,           // OtpType enumeration
  "deviceStatus": 0,      // deviceStatus enumeration  (0 - enabled, 1 - disabled)
  "assigned": 1,          // userAccountStatus enumeration (0 - unassigned 1 - assigned)
  "errorCode": 0,
  "errorMessage": "OK",
  "type": "find_device"