Add U2F Device
Add U2F Device
Add a u2f device to an existing users account
Add User
AuthServerResponseEnrollUser EnrollUser(String authServerPartnerLoginName, string authServerPartnerLoginPassword, string firstName, string lastName, string loginName, string loginPassword, string email, string mobilePhone, short deviceType, short otpType, short otpLength, short otpWindow, string otpPin, string deviceId, bool addDeviceOnly, short notificationMethod);
WCF parameter | data type | description |
authServerPartnerLoginName | string | SurePassID account login name |
authServerPartnerLoginPassword | string | SurePassID account login key |
firstName | string | First name |
lastName | string | Last name |
loginName | string | User account login name |
loginPassword | string | ignored |
string | ignored | |
mobilePhone | string | ignored |
deviceType | short | 12 - see Device Type |
OtpType | short | 8 - see OTP Type |
OtpLength | short | ignored |
OtpWindow | short | ignored |
Otppin | short | ignored |
deviceId | short | ignored |
onlyAddDevice | bool | true |
notificationMethod | short | send welcome message to user. 0 = none, 1=email, 2=sms |
Sample WCF C# Method
AuthServerResponseEnrollUser resp = EnrollUser("accountLogin", "accountKey", "Mandy", "Last", "Mandy", "M@5ndy58!", Mandy5@myco.com, "+1(407)555-1212, 12, // fido device 8, // u2f 0, // ignored 0, // ignored "", // ignored true, // add user and this device 0);
Sample WCF C# Repsonse
if (resp.ErrorCode != 0) { message.Text = resp.ErrorMsg; return false; }
REST parameter | data type | description |
spAccountLoginName | string | SurePassID account login name |
spAccountLoginKey | string | SurePassID account login key |
username | string | User account login name |
type | string | add_u2f_device |
notificationMethod | short | send welcome message to user. 0 = none, 1=email, 2=sms |
Sample REST/Json Method
{ "username": "Mandy", "spAccountLoginName": "accountLogin", "spAccountLoginKey": "accountKey", "type": "add_u2f_device", "notificationMethod": 0 }
Sample REST/Json Response
{ "errorCode": 0, "errorMessage": "OK", "type": "add_u2f_device" }