Provision Soft Token (OTA)

Provision Soft Token (OTA)


public AuthServerResponseProvisionDevice ProvisionDevice(string authServerPartnerLoginName, 
                 string authServerPartnerLoginPassword, 
                 string authServerPartnerUserLoginName, 
                 string deviceID, 
                 string physicalDeviceId)
WCF parameterdata typedescription
authServerPartnerLoginNamestringSurePassID account login name
authServerPartnerLoginPasswordstringSurePassID account login key
authServerPartnerUserLoginNamestringUser account login name
deviceIDstringUnique identifier for this device. This identifier can represent a soft token device type such as a mobile app or desktop app
physicalDeviceIdstringUnique physical (hardware) identifier for this device
Sample WCF C# Method
AuthServerResponseProvisionDevice resp = ProvisionDevice("accountLogin",             
Sample WCF C# Repsonse
 if (resp.ErrorCode != 0)  {      
       message.Text = resp.ErrorMsg;
       return false;
   // returns device information for local app provisioning.


REST parameterdata typedescription
spAccountLoginNamestringSurePassID account login name
spAccountLoginKeystringSurePassID account login key
usernamestringuser account login name
deviceIdstringUnique identifier for this device. This field is assigned by the server when the device was created.
physicalDeviceIdstringUnique physical (hardware) identifier for this device
Sample REST/Json Method
  "username": "Mandy",
  "spAccountLoginName": "accountLogin",
  "spAccountLoginKey": "accountKey",
  "type": "provision_oath_device",
  "deviceId": "142o6-ar4v3-q2b85",
  "physicalDeviceId": "Prod_Authenticator"
Sample REST/Json Response
  "errorCode": 0,
  "errorMessage": "OK",
  "deviceType": 0,
  "type": "get_oath_device_qrcode"

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